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Setup/Packup Tips




Below are some key points to remember when operating one of our inflatables:

Sports Targets


These novelty games are fun for any budding sports star!

  • Make sure you rotate the participants,

  • It's key to form a line and ensure everyone waits their turn, early on. It's a bit harder to implement any cueing strategies later on, so make sure to start as you mean to go on

  • When removing the balls from the dartboard, they are velcro so they will stick, please remove them slowly to avoid the balls getting damaged

  • Note - some balls may not stick, this may be due to the force of the kick/throw, foreign elements on the balls and/or dartboard - if the balls are wet, or the board is wet, they are unlikely to stick

  • ​Make sure children do not run into the activity to collect there ball unless it is safe to do so, often we see children running to regain their ball and another child has their shot... You know what happens next

Sports Castles


Children ONLY!

  • Make sure you rotate the participants,

  • It's key to form a line and ensure everyone waits their turn, early on. It's a bit harder to implement any cueing strategies later on, so make sure to start as you mean to go on

  • Group children with familiar height and weight to avoid injury

  • 6 children at a time (4 in our toddler basketball one)

  • Note - there are windows on the sides to allow parents to watch their children, do not allow parents to gather at the front as this will make you feel trapped

  • ​Make sure children do not run in and out of the jumping castle, they are likely to run into another child entering/exiting

  • See other notes above (Important rules for designated supervisor)


Foot Billiards

Children ONLY!

  • Do not allow anyone to bounce or sit on the perimeter

  • We suggest no more than 8 players at a time

  • Use your feet to kick the white ball onto the other colour balls, and try to pot them into the holes (corners)

  • To keep it simple, no double shots, only if you score you get another turn, when you miss, it's the next persons turn

  • You may want to introduce "life's", if they miss, they loose a life. Loose 3 life's and you're out

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Obstacle Course

Safety first!

  • Do not allow anyone to enter the course from any other position than the start

  • We suggest no more than 2 players at a time

  • Parents can accompany children under 5, if needed

  • Shoes must not be worn

  • Obstacle courses can be physically demanding, be prepared to assist some participants 


Silent Disco Equipment

Handle with caution!


Safety Guidelines:

  • Volume Levels: Ensure responsible volume control to prevent hearing damage. Start with a lower volume and adjust according to personal preference, keeping in mind the comfort of all attendees.

  • Proper Handling: Handle the equipment with care to prevent damage. Avoid dropping or mishandling the headphones, as this can impact their performance.

  • Charging Instructions: If charging is required during the event, use the provided charging station. Keep headphones charged to ensure uninterrupted use throughout your event

  • Security Measures: Designate a secure area for storing any unutilised headphones and other components. This ensures the safety of the equipment throughout the event.

  • Emergency Contacts: In case of emergencies or unresolved issues, please reach out to us immediately.

Standard Operating Procedures:

  1. Equipment Overview:

    • You will receive a set of headphones, transmitters, and any additional components required for your silent disco event. Please take a moment to familiarise yourself with the equipment upon receipt. Ask the operator any questions you have.

  2. Setup Instructions:

    • Setting up the silent disco is a straightforward process. Connect the transmitter to your source of music (iPhone, laptop etc), turn on the headphones (power button is on the side of the headphones), and ensure the music is playing from the source. Should you encounter any difficulties, refer to the troubleshooting tips or contact us for immediate assistance.

  3. Channel Configuration:

    • Our silent disco system offers multiple channels (up to 3 transmitters - if you've ordered 3) for a customised music experience. Use the designated controls to switch between channels which again are located on the side of the headphones.

Inflatable Risk Management:

Fact Sheet

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Monitoring Wind Speed:

Wind Reader: utilise the wind reader during events to monitor the wind speeds.

Wind Speed Limits: do not operate the inflatables in winds speeds over 32kmph.

Automatic Shutdown: Implement an automatic shutdown system if wind speeds exceed predetermined safety thresholds. Ensure this is communicated clearly with any likey operators


Safety Operational Tips:

Participant Briefing: provide clear safety guidelines to participants before they enter the inflatable.

Staff Training: ensure staff members are well-trained in emergency procedures and can effectively communicate safety instructions.

Regular Drills: conduct regular safety drills to prepare staff for emergency situations.


General Safety Tips:

Age and Size Restrictions: establish and enforce age and size restrictions to ensure participant safety.

Health Guidelines: communicate health guidelines, including restrictions for individuals with certain medical conditions.

Emergency Response Plan: develop and communicate a comprehensive emergency response plan for all staff.



Proper Staking: ensure that inflatables are securely anchored to the ground the stakes provided.

Surface Assessment: evaluate the ground surface to ensure it's suitable for anchoring and identify potential hazards.

Regular Inspections: periodically check the anchoring system to ensure stability, especially during prolonged use.

Weights required: should weights be required, refer to ballast report. If indoors, ensure reasonable weights are installed to avoid movement (note - the ballast report is for outdoor use)


Safe Access:

Defined Entry and Exit Points: clearly mark and communicate designated entry and exit points.

Proper Signage: sse signage to guide participants on safe entry and exit procedures.

Staff Supervision: ensure trained staff are present to assist with safe access and enforce guidelines.


Unauthorised Access:

Perimeter Fencing: set up a secure perimeter with fencing to discourage unauthorised access.

Monitoring Personnel: employ personnel to monitor the area and promptly address any unauthorised attempts.

Educational Signage: display signs indicating restricted areas and the consequences of unauthorised access.

Inflatable Operator: ensure an operator is present to deter unauthorised access


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